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This is our pokemon page Nidoking is the ground and poison pokemon which gary has with him in most battles.

We will have a battle arena soon. what is the pokemon ash allways uses when battling teamrocket. pickachu can shock you very badly so beware of pickachu. If you want to battle go to pokemoncrater.com You have to sign- up at pokemoncrater.com This is a site for knowing what pokemon charecters use in a battles. Like Ash uses pickachu and baulbasaur.But naver uses charizard.You know why. Charizard never listens to Ash because when it was charmander it was abandoned by Demian then it disided to join Ash. This site is owned by Yanrix and Pokemate. ninetales : kangaskhan,machamp & machoke are less stronger than legendery pokemon maoltres. This table verifies pokemon ash,misty,brock,surge,team rocket ,blaine,the third orange league gymleader has. click here to go to pokemoncrater.com click here to go to yantrix.com